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To register for participation in the Industrial Symbiosis roadmap, please complete the following steps:



Based on preparatory work by the RISERS project, 10 Working Groups are proposed of which 7 handle vertical topics, like Textiles and Batteries, and 3 handle horizontal topics, like IS in general and End-of-Waste. While these groups have been initially defined, they will remain flexible and adaptable following the kick-off meeting to ensure alignment with stakeholder priorities.

Please complete the Registration Form below and choose one or more Working Group of your interest. 

Please read the Terms of Reference before you register:

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nameRISERS WG_Terms of References.pdf


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Working Groups

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titleRegistration Form for Industrial Symbiosis Standardization Roadmap


Organisation -


 Which type of organisation do you represent? -  Large Company (>250 employees) - SME (<250 employees) - Industry association -


 Public research organization - Governmental organization - Higher education institution - Public organization - others (please comment)
Experience in Standardization - -None - Some points of contact - Active expert in standardization
Expertise and Interest - Please 




a comment briefly 






motivation to join the working groups
Potential Contribution - 


Please indicate in which way you are willing to contribute (


the second option includes the first and so on...)-	Participation in meetings and workshops - Commenting on content -	Providing/preparation of content


I want to sign in for Working Group 


IS in General


 --Yes - No
I want to sign in for Working Group End of Waste












to sign in for Working Group 












I want to sign in for Working Group 


Batteries --Yes - No
I want to sign in for Working Group Biomass 


and Waste Wood


 --Yes - No
I want to sign in for Working Group Energy Data 


and Grids


 --Yes - No
I want to sign in for Working Group 


Packaging --Yes - No
I want to sign in for Working Group Steel, Slag and Refractories --Yes - No
I want to sign in for Working Group Textiles --Yes - No
I want to sign in for Working Group Waste Heat --Yes - No

I acknowledge the Terms of Reference -mandatory- Yes- No
I accept the Rights of Use -mandatory, additional steps may follow- Yes - No
I accept the 




Policy -mandatory- 




 - No

Information on the privacy policy can be found here.

Information on the Rights of Use

In order to enable the proper reproduction and dissemination of the results of the Industrial Symbiosis Standardization Roadmap, it is necessary to grant rights of use to the results of the work done. This ensures that we can make the content you have contributed publicly available. As the lead partner of the IS Standardization Roadmap development under the Horizon Europe RISERS project, we would therefore like to ask you to grant us your rights of use.

Granting the rights of use does not prevent you from continuing to use, exploit and further develop the knowledge, experience and findings you have contributed. Without your granting of the rights of use, further collaboration on the Standardization Roadmap is unfortunately not possible. We therefore ask for your understanding that we will not be able to include those experts who have not granted us their rights of use in the working group.

If you have any questions, please contact

Declaration on the granting of rights of use

You intend to develop the IS Standardization Roadmap using the cooperation platform DIN.ONE ( together with other persons, so that the IS Standardization Roadmap can be prepared jointly by DIN and CEN under the Horizon Europe RISERS project and subsequently published and disseminated by the project and CEN in particular, and serve as a recommendation for action for the standardization committees. For these purposes, in addition to the general terms of use for DIN.ONE, you grant the RISERS Project Consortium, DIN, CEN and CENELEC the transferable rights of use, free of charge, to the content you create on the DIN.ONE cooperation platform and in particular in the working areas of the individual working groups on the identified subject areas, in simple form, unlimited in time and space and free of third-party rights. The rights of use granted include the right to edit the content and to utilize it in tangible and intangible form, regardless of the format used, in all media, in particular in printed form (e.g. brochures, journals, articles, technical papers) and on digital media (e.g. USB sticks, CDs, CD-ROMs). (e.g. USB sticks, CDs, SSD removable data carriers) and to make them publicly accessible (e.g. for retrieval on the Internet or in clouds) or to reproduce them publicly in any other form (e.g. in standardization committees, lectures, presentations of results).

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